FREE Download: 2012 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions – PDF 92KB
Thanks to Lyn Harris for pointing out an error in Q12di and .: Q12dii. The correct answers are:
12di 3/3 (0.5 + 4× 2.3 + 2× 2.9 + 4× 3.8 + 2.1) = 32.8 and .: 12dii should be 131.2
FREE Download: 2012 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions – PDF 92KB
Thanks to Lyn Harris for pointing out an error in Q12di and .: Q12dii. The correct answers are:
12di 3/3 (0.5 + 4× 2.3 + 2× 2.9 + 4× 3.8 + 2.1) = 32.8 and .: 12dii should be 131.2
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