FREE Download: 2008 VCAA Physics Examination 1 Solutions – PDF 140KB Thanks to Dr Craig R. Watkins for the following comments: “I wish to draw your attention to Special Relativity section Q3 in the June 2008 VCE Physics exam solutions provided on your site. The solution you provide is incorrect (option A). The solution provided…

FREE Download: 2008 VCAA Specialist Mathematics 2 Solutions – PDF 240KB Please let us know if you’re happy with these solutions with a rating and/ or a comment below. For questions about these solutions, please go to the forum thread for Specialist Maths.

FREE Download: 2008 VCAA Mathematical Methods 2 Solutions – PDF 198KB Note: Thanks to Mark Battistella for pointing out a typing error. In question 3e. the bracketed part under the square root should read (5/4)^2 not (25/16)^2 as this means you will have squared the x value twice. Please let us know if you’re happy…